Mezinárodní zdravotnické fórum na UK 1. LF

Please warmly accept our special invitation for you and any colleagues interested with the Charles University in Prague, First faculty of Medicine’s Interdisciplinary Global Health Forum 2012 – being held on Thursday, May 3rd, 2012 from 15.00–18.00.
The main theme of this university sponsored event is global public health trends and vulnerabilities in the new global normal. Topics of our invited speakers include neglected disease, vaccination programs in the developing world, health and food security in times of economic crisis, aid program successes and failures and other timely and relevant global health issues. This conference is highlighted by research by the Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology on Failed States and Health Security and on vulnerabilities of Health and Food Security worldwide. There will be four speakers and a 60+ minute question and answer (Q/A) session at the end – your participation is most welcome.
Organizations and speakers that have confirmed their participation:

  1. World Health Organization (WHO)
  2. Doctors Without Borders (MSF)
  3. Katerina Pospisilova, Medical Director Vaccines Central and South East Europe
  4. Serap Ersoy, Republic of Turkey Embassy, First Councilor to the Czech Republic
  5. Alan J. Smith, Economic Officer, US Embassy Prague, Keynote speaker

This will be a true interdisciplinary event and even if you think your academic or clinical specialty is not directly related to public health, it probably is and your input and participation will be greatly appreciated. Global public health is indeed interconnected throughout many sectors, departments and institutes.
You may RSVP by responding to this email, feel free to send any follow-up questions or concerns at anytime. We greatly appreciate your support and participation with this global public health event – please email (@email) at anytime and follow the event on twitter and facebook: ‘@globalhealthcup’ and ‘Glbl Hethfurm’.
Thank you and hope to see you on May 3rd at 15.00,
John Quinn, MPH
PhD / MD Student
Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
First Faculty of Medicine
Charles University in Prague
+420608246032 Czech Mobile

Vytvořeno: 19. 4. 2012 / Upraveno: 19. 12. 2018 / BcA. Dominika Patrovská, DiS.