Dean’s provisions

Validity and effectiveness dates of provisions are shown in their previews and headings. Dates of provisions whose effectivness has ended are italicised.

Do not enter more than two words in the search field. Search is inflection-insensitive, querying "paym" will return more results than "payment".

Dean’s Provision No. 22/2024

27. 1. 2025

The implementation of the Framework Principles of Career Development of Members of the Technical and Economic Staff at Charles University

Validity: 19. 12. 2024
Effective from: 1. 1. 2025


Gestor: Personnel and Payroll Department

Dean’s Provision No. 2/2024

21. 6. 2024

Amending and supplementing Dean's Provision No. 1/2023 – Details regarding the organization of study in doctoral programmes of study at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University

Validity: 13. 3. 2024
Effective from: 15. 3. 2024


Gestor: Departement of Ph.D. study

Dean´s Provision No. 3/2024

12. 6. 2024

Ensuring the possibility of continuing studies in the same or similar study programme

Validity: 30. 4. 2024
Effective from: 30. 4. 2024


Garant: Study department

Dean’s Provision No. 8/2024

10. 6. 2024

Academic calendar 2024/2025 at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

Validity: 3 May 2024
Effectivness: Academic Year 2024/2025
Gestor: Study Department

Dean’s Provision No. 1/2023

17. 10. 2023

Details regarding the organization of study in doctoral programmes of study at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University

Platnost: 24. 1. 2023
Účinnost: od 24. 1. 2023


Gestor: Oddělení Ph.D. studia

Dean's Provision No. 2/2023

6. 2. 2023

Enrolment in optional subjects in the academic year 2022/2023

Validity: 27. 1. 2023
Effective from: 27. 1. 2023


Gestor: Study department

Dean’s Provision No. 16/2022

31. 1. 2023

on the Implementation of the Framework Principles of Career Development of Academic and Scientific Staff and Lecturers at Charles University

Validity: 29. 6. 2022
Effective from: 1. 7. 2022
Gestor: Personnel and Payroll Department

Dean’s Provision no. 18/2022

27. 9. 2022

Procedure for Determining Prerequisites and Co-requisites of Study Courses

Validity: 21. 7. 2022
Effective: from 21. 7. 2022


Gestor: Study department

Dean‘s Provision No. 9/2022

27. 9. 2022

Recognition of Previously obtained Credits and Passed Examinations

Validity: 5. 5. 2022
Effective: from 5. 5. 2022
Gestor: Study department

Dean‘s Provision No. 5/2022

27. 9. 2022

Announcing the dates of exams


Validity: 21. 4. 2022
Effective: from the beginning of the academic year 2022/2023
Gestor: Study department

Dean‘s Provision No. 4/2022

27. 9. 2022

Absence from compulsory parts of the study programme General Medicine at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University

Validity: 21. 4. 2022
Effective: from the beginning of the academic year 2022/2023
Gestor: Study department

Dean's Measure No. 9/2021

3. 5. 2021

to safety in the premises of the Complex of Theoretical Departments of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, during the completion of the learning space

Validity: 3 May 2021
Gestor: Department of Investment Construction
Effective from: 3 May 2021


Dean’s Provision No. 20/2020

4. 11. 2020

related to hybrid teaching during the state of emergency

Validity: 4 November 2020
Effective from: 4 November 2020
Gestor: Secretariat of the Dean´s Office

Dean’s Provision No. 16/2020

4. 9. 2020

Enrolment in elective courses in the academic year 2020/2021

Validity: 4 September 2020
Effective from: 4 September 2020
Gestor: Study department