Charles University information webpage

RSS channel with news about foreign internships
Overview of long-term and short-term internships and exchange stays
The Erasmus+ programme is financed by the EU and was created to support mutual relations and cooperation of universities within the EU space. The competition for Erasmus+ internships takes place in spring, in March.
The Institutional Plan
The Mobility Fund
Point Grants
4EU+ Aliance
Academic Information Agency (AIA)
Bilateral and Multilateral Programmes Unit
IFMSA Internships

Wakayama Medical University School, Wakayama, Japan

Seoul National University College of Medicine
This internship is meant for two students from the fourth to the fifth grade for four weeks in the period from July till September.
Application must contain:
- clinical subjects that the student would like to pass during the internship (the final list depends on the foreign university),
- name, surname, year of study, contact (address, telephone, email),
- the value of the study average for completed years + the required subjects of the internship,
- other documented study activities (e.g. work at departments etc.),
- English language skills min. B2 (documented by: Cambridge Certificate, TOEFL, state exam, Second Faculty Department of Languages).
A part of the intership will be covered from the Second Faculty Institutional Plan (20 000 CZK).
Date of the selection procedure will be specified.
Accomodation: http://www.useoul.edu/
The Fulbright Programme
The J. William Fulbright Commission is an intergovernmental Czech-American organization established to support educational, scientific and cultural exchanges between the Czech Republic and the United States of America through scholarship programs and advisory and information services. The commission was established in 1991 on the basis of an agreement between the governments of the Czech Republic and the USA.
The main task of the Fulbright Commission is the administration of government scholarships for study, research and teaching in the USA for Czech citizens and, conversely, for American scholarship holders at academic institutions in the Czech Republic. The Fulbright Commission also operates a Counseling Center that provides information on study opportunities in the US and free counseling.
The basic prerequisites for applying for a scholarship are Czech citizenship, permanent residence in the Czech Republic and a very good knowledge of English.
Fulbright Scholarship for Scholars and Lecturers. The scholarship supports long-term stays of Czech scientists and university teachers in the USA to conduct research and possibly lecture in any field with the exception of clinical medicine. The condition is a Ph.D. degree, successful scientific or university teaching activity, an invitation from the American side and a very good command of English. The length of stay depends on the submitted project and ranges from three to ten months in the relevant academic year. More at: https://www.fulbright.cz/stipendia/stipendium-pro-vedce-a-prednasejici/
The Fulbright-Masaryk scholarship is for the support of long-term stays of Czech doctoral students, scientists and university teachers in the USA in order to lecture or conduct research in any field with the exception of clinical medicine. The program is intended for scientists who are not only excellent experts in their scientific field, but are also active in the civic or public life of their institutions or communities. They can work in the academic senate, cooperate with a non-profit organization, local government, etc. Fulfilling this requirement is a necessary prerequisite for receiving a scholarship. More at: https://www.fulbright.cz/stipendia/fulbright-masarykovo-stipendium/
Komise J. W. Fulbrighta
Karmelitská 17
118 00 Praha 1
+420 222 718 452; +420 222 729 987
Email: @email
Skype: czechfulbright