Dean‘s Provision No. 4/2022
Absence from compulsory parts of the study programme General Medicine at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
Article I
Introductory Provisions
This Dean’s Provision establishes the conditions and extent of permitted absences from the compulsory parts of the General Medicine study programme at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University.
Article II
Conditions and Extent of Authorised Absence
1. Attendance at all forms of instruction except lectures is mandatory. In the event of illness or other serious reasons, absence from compulsory classes may be compensated by an individual form (self-study). The number of absences thus allowed in each teaching unit is determined for all subjects as follows:
SEMESTRAL instruction
2 allowed absences / semester and course
BLOCK FORMAT of instruction
1-week block 1 authorised absence
2-week block 2 authorised absences
3 - 4-week block 3 authorised absences
5 - 8-week block 4 authorised absences
Based on mutual trust, there is no need to document the reason for such absence in writing.
2. After prior agreement with the Vice-Dean for Studies, the course guarantor may determine the topics which, in the event of the student's absence, will have to be made up for in a different way than by self-study. These are particularly cases where the practical exercise provides a key skill necessary for further follow-up teaching or practice. The scope of the topics marked in this way must not exceed 30% of the volume of the compulsory teaching of the subject. Failure to make up for a topic marked in this manner will result in the student failing to meet the requirements for credit. The course sponsor is obliged to mark these topics in the Study Information System before the start of the semester, including the method of their replacement.
3. The reason for any further absences must be documented in writing (medical certificate or emergency certificate) and this document must be submitted to the course sponsor, who will assess it individually and decide on further action.
4. Documented and excused absences must be properly made up for as directed by the course guarantor. If it is not possible to make up for the course or if the extent of absences exceeds more than 30% of the volume of compulsory teaching, credit cannot be awarded and the relevant Vice-Dean for Studies must be consulted and a further procedure, e.g. an Individual Curriculum (ISP), must be agreed.
5. I instruct the course sponsors to ensure an effective system of controlling student attendance during the compulsory parts of the course.
Article III
Final Provisions
1. This Dean’s Provision repeals and replaces in its entirety Dean’s Provision No. 1/2011 on the date of its effectiveness.
2. This Provision comes into force on the date of the Dean's signature and takes effect from the beginning of the academic year 2022/2023.
Prague, 21 April 2022
prof. MUDr. Marek Babjuk, CSc.
Dean of the Second Faculty of Medicine