The minute of 8th session of AS CU 2nd FM 19th December 2007

Datum konání
19. 12. 2007

The Minute – the 8th meeting of the academic senate of Charles University 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 19th December 2007

Present: see the attendance sheet
Excused: see the attendance sheet

  1. Opening of the meeting, commemoration of prof. MUDr. Tošovský, DrSc.
  2. Election of the scrutineers and approval of the programme
  3. Check of the minutes of the previous senate meeting of
    21st November 2007

  4. Report from the AS board session dated 12th December 2007
  5. Report on the process and results of the election of the faculty deputies to the academic senate of Charles University for the period from 2008–2011
  6. The faculty management reports
  7. Update of the long-term intent of Charles University 2nd Medical Faculty for 2008
  8. Statute and internal regulations of the faculty, the faculty development
  9. University Hospital; the name of the faculty
  10. Miscellaneous



1) Opening of the meeting

The chairman of the AS, prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. welcomed all the present at the meeting and honoured the memory of departed prof. MUDr. Tošovský, a professor emeritus and the head emeritus of the Department of Paediatric Surgery of Charles University 2nd Medical Faculty.


2) Election of scrutineers and approval of the programme

Doc. MUDr. Svatopluk Smutný and Jan Šmrha were proposed and approved as the scrutineers.
The programme was approved by all the present.


3) Check of the minutes of the senate meeting of 21st November 2007

The minutes were approved without any comments.


4) Report from the AS board session of 12th December 2007

The board session was held on 12th December 2007 to structure the agenda for the AS session dated 19th December 2007, and to discuss the letter of prof. Ekschlager that was the basis of point 9 of the AS session.
The AS took cognizance of the report.


5) Report on the process and results of the election of deputies to the AS of Charles UniversityK

Prof. MUDr. Richard Škába expressed his thanks to the partial election committee for the smooth process of the election.


6) The faculty management reports

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty, informed the AS about the following events:

Ball: Acknowledgements to the student’s chamber of the AS for the enjoyable event.

The academic board of Charles University: Information on the competition of postgraduate students of the Czech Republic.

Negotiations on University Hospitals: The negotiations on University Hospitals took place, and were attended by selected members from some faculties. The preliminary proposals are not clear. There are many remarks existing on this topic.

The change of the name of the faculty: The highest costs are linked with the replacement of the existing identity cards. At the moment there is a discussion over the change of the name going on on the websites.
Within the discussion it was recommended that the new name would correspond with the name of the University Hospital.
The academic senate heard and took cognizance of the submitted reports.


7) Update of the long-term intent

Doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D., the Dean of the Faculty submitted his request for the approval of the update of the long-term intent of Charles University 2nd Medical Faculty for 2008 to the senate.
There were following remarks to the submitted proposal: to unify the text from the language point of view (the campus in Motol – the Plzeňská campus), to complement the analysis of results of various foreign contracts as well as the discussion over the name of the faculty.
Both the discussion and voting took place relating to individual remarks. The individual remarks were approved.
The following resolution was adopted: The AS of Charles University 2nd Medical Faculty approved the proposal of the Dean for the update of long-term intent of the faculty with the listed remarks.

Voting: for: 15
  against: 0
  abstained: 1


8) Statute, internal regulations and of the development of the faculty

At the Rector’s office of Charles University the depuration of internal regulations and statutes of individual faculties is taking place at the moment, and therefore this point will be included on the agenda of the senate meeting again. Nevertheless neither by any member of the AS nor by the faculty management any remarks to internal regulations and a statute of the faculty have been submitted.
The AS took a quiet cognizance of it.


9) University Hospital; name of the faculty

University Hospital
There was a discussion over the issue of University Hospitals.
In order to structure the ideas regarding this topic, the working group was proposed,

and was composed of: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Hrušák, Ph.D.
doc. MUDr. Vilma Marešová, CSc.
prof. MUDr. Tomáš Eckschlager, CSc.
doc. MUDr. Radan Keil
MUDr. Daniel Hodyc

At the same time the extraordinary meeting was proposed to be called to order on 9th January 2008.
The AS expressed its opinion in favour of the composition of the working group, and approved the date of the extraordinary meeting of the AS.


10) Miscellaneous

The information from the Strašnické divadlo on the possibility of the opening of the Theatre Club at our faculty. The AS took cognizance of this.

  • The next regular meeting of the AS will take place on Wednesday, January 16th, 2008 from 2.30 p.m. in the small left lecture hall of the Faculty.
  • The extraordinary session of the AS will take place on Wednesday, January 9th, 2008 from 2.30 p.m. in the room SP2 (Please heed the change!!!).
  • The minutes were sent to the Dept. of Languages to be translated into English for the websites of international students.


Recorded by: Gabriela Bartejsová
Proofread by: prof. MUDr. Richard Škába, CSc. – chairman of the AS
Created: 16. 1. 2008 / Modified: 9. 11. 2018 / Responsible person: Administrátor 2. LF UK