Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University


Budova dětské nemocnice na Karlově, v níž sídlil děkanát a dětské kliniky (archiv 2. LF)

Dear students, employees, graduates and friends of the faculty, this year we are commemorating 70 years since our faculty became independent within Charles University. We intend to properly commemorate this anniversary and have prepared several events and programs for you that will take place in the opening block of the traditional Faculty Night.

23 November / 17.00–17.30 / vestibule of building A, campus Plzeňská

Zahájení Oslavu zahájí děkan fakulty.

Opening of the exhibition with the participation of witnesses, presented by Kateřina Křenová

The exhibition presents a dozen important personalities who are either still active at the Second Faculty of Medicine, or are active elsewhere, but graduated from the former Faculty of Pediatrics. Most of the personalities represented in the exhibition will be present at the opening and it will be possible to meet them in person. The exhibition refers to a web project where the life stories of the witnesses are presented in a comprehensive version.

Under the Wings of a Pelican

presented by the editor Petr Andreas and the illustrator Adam Kalina, christened by the co-editor of the first edition, Prof. Vladimir Komárek

The book Pod křídly pelikána (Under the Wings of a Pelican) captures the past 70 years of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in short texts, photographs and illustrations. Teachers and students describe the beginnings of cultural, social and sports events that have become current faculty traditions, principals and witnesses selected significant and humorous events from their workplaces. The book is accompanied by Motolkomix cartoon characters. This is the second, expanded and supplemented edition of the book Ad usum proprium (2018).

19.15 / Large Lecture Hall (Plzeňská)


English subtitles

Film premiere and discussion with director Jindřich Andrš and the protagonists, presented by Petr Andreas


The medical profession requires not only detailed knowledge of diagnostic and treatment procedures, but also personality qualities and communication skills. Can they be taught? Jindřich Andrš's observational film Body–Soul–Patient captures new methods of teaching at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University. We follow medical students who find themselves in challenging simulated and real situations – for the first time in the role of a doctor.

opakovaně 17.00–půlnoc / místnost A218

film screenings

2. lékařská fakulta UK (2003)

film k 60. výročí osamostatnění, G-Production/JAKO

Dětská fakultní nemocnice (1970)

před ukončením provozu, záznam: prof. Jiří Nevoral

Brief history


Universitas pragensis, which includes the Faculty of Medicine, was founded.


A provincial maternity hospital and a hospital at St. Apollinaire were established.


The Czech Children's Hospital in Karlov, Prague, was founded


The Faculty of Pediatrics becomes independent.


The merger of the Children's Faculty Hospital and the Municipal Hospital in Motol creates Motol University Hospital.


The faculty is renamed the Second Faculty of Medicine.

Created: 11. 7. 2023 / Modified: 19. 11. 2023 / Mgr. Petr Andreas, Ph.D.