Doctoral Scholarships

Tuition Fees

The tuition fee for studying in doctoral programmes in English amounts to 1,000 CZK for every academic year begun. Applicants also pay an application fee and a fee for an assessment of previous foreign education (see more details in the part Admissions).


The doctoral scholarship is paid to students in the full-time form of study who have met the prescribed conditions for its recognition. It is paid retrospectively for the past month to the student's bank account. The payout date is the 20th day of the month. The student is obliged to enter the bank account number into the SIS (in the personal data section), otherwise the scholarship cannot be paid to him/her.

The payment of scholarships is governed by the following regulations:

The doctoral scholarship is paid automatically, so the student does not apply for it. The student also does not apply for a scholarship for excellent study results.

The scholarship will not be increased once the courses prescribed by the relevant SAB have been completed and the English language examination has been passed. The scholarship is increased under the conditions set out in Dean's Provision No. 8/2020, Article 2.

After completing the SDE, the scholarship increases automatically, so there is no need to apply. The increase will be retroactive, i.e. if a student submits the SDE in April, the scholarship will be increased from May and will be paid in June (as a payment). 

The student may request the dean of the faculty to award other scholarships in accordance with the Scholarship and Bursary Rules of CU for Awarding Scholarships at the Second Faculty of Medicine CU. This request must be documented in accordance with the Dean's provision No. 6/2018 Art. 4 (see the Request for scholarship increase). 

Obstacles to Granting Scholarships and Bursaries

A doctoral bursary may not be awarded to a student where the aggregate of completed study exceeds the standard length of study in the programme in which the student is pursuing his studies. According to Article 13(2) of the Scholarship and Bursary Rules of CU, the aggregate of completed study includes:  

A student is therefore entitled to a doctoral scholarship only once per four years of study. The entitlement is no longer valid for one year of study.

Where a student is enrolled in several full-time doctoral programmes, this bursary may be awarded and paid for the given period only once, for the programme in which the student was enrolled first. Where such a programme cannot be determined, the bursary is awarded and paid for the programme determined by the rector, upon the proposal made by the student and upon consideration with the deans of the faculties concerned.

Where the subject area board concludes, in the assessment of a doctoral student, that the student failed to fulfil the requirements of the individual study plan, a doctoral bursary may not be paid.

Scholarship to support accommodation and social scholarship

Information about accommodation and social scholarships can be found on the CU website in the Scholarships and Fees section.

All information about scholarships at the CU can be found here.

Last update: 22. 1. 2025 / ThDr. Jitka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
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