Doctoral students are required to register the results of publishing and scientific activities, which is carried out according to the Rector’s Directive no. 18/2020. The Department for Scientific Information manages the publication activity; the contact person is PhDr. Radim Kubeš.
Module for registration and management of records on publishing activities of Charles University OBD (Personal bibliographic database) is a part of the Charles University Information System. To access the system, you need to know your login (the number under the photo on the employee's card) and password (in CAS - Central Authentication System, Charles University). Instructions for working in OBD are available on the CU web page. According to the Rector’s provision No. 28/2016 with effect from October 15, 2016, all doctoral students are obliged to create an international identifier ORCID ID and create their profile on ORCID within the records of publishing activities. Further information and precise instructions for setting up an ORCID account can be found after clicking the link. If the student already has established personal identifiers such as the ResearcherID – ID database Web of Science or ScopusAuthor ID – Scopus ID database, it is necessary to link these identifiers with the ORCID. Instructions for connecting identifiers can be found here.
The student also reports the results of his / her publishing activities within the so-called annual ISP evaluation, which takes place regularly at the end of each academic year. If it does not have publications registered in OBD, they cannot be paired in the annual evaluation. Articles, monographs and other results of publishing activities are also part of the so-called Diploma Supplement where they are downloaded from library databases.
The laws, CUNI internal regulations, and faculty provisions define the mandatory affiliation of any publications by CU students/employees to Charles University and to the faculty. The format is as follows: „Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine.“ If the student/employee also works at the faculty, they must also include the respective department. The number of affiliations is not limited, so if you work at an organisation outside of faculty, you can also add an affiliation to your workplace.