Instructions and Study Manuals

  • Excusing yourself from the date of the state doctoral examination/defence

    Art. 11, para. 14 of the Code of Study and Examination of CU: “…If a student does not attend the defence of the dissertation or the state doctoral examination for which he / she is registered, without a proper excuse, he / she is not classified and the date of the defence, or fails the state doctoral exam. The dean decides on the regularity of the excuse.”
    Art. 11, para. 16 of the Code of Study and Examination of CU: “If all assessments do not recommend the dissertation for defence, the student may withdraw from the defence before it takes place. The term of defence of the dissertation expires.
    In practice, the following cases may occur:
    1. The student decides to withdraw from the defence according to Article 11, paragraph 16 of Code of Study and Examination of CU. The student must submit a written notice of withdrawal from the defence to the Department for PhD Study. The term for the student's defence is forfeited.
    2. The student does not apologize until the date of the final state exam or defence and does not attend the exam or defence: the term is forfeited.
    3. The student does not apologize before the date of the final state exam or defence or finds out on the day of the event that he/she cannot take the exam. The student immediately contacts the Chairman of the commission and the Department for PhD Study by telephone and at the same time by e-mail. He apologizes and the reason for the apology is subsequently substantiated, for example, by a medical report presented to the Department for PhD Study. If the dean approves the absence as justified, Department for PhD Study will record an excuse in the SIS. If the request is found to be unfounded and is rejected, the term is forfeited.
    4. The student excuses himself/herself in advance from the final state exam or defence for health issues or other reasons. The student must submit to the Department for PhD Study a written request for an excuse from the date of the final state exam or the defence. If the dean approves the absence as justified, Department for PhD Study will record an excuse in the SIS. If the request is found to be unfounded and is rejected, the term is forfeited.
  • How do I log into the “eduroam” Wi-Fi network

  • How do I use the SIS

  • How to change your personal data in SIS

    Data that a student can change on his/her own

    In the web application “Personal data and settings” under the tab “Data change”, the student can change the following data that is recorded about him/her in the system:

    the data “other address”, which is the address for the delivery of documents within the scope of studies

    which address is to be used for the delivery of documents in the course of studies (permanent or “other address”)

    the dormitory and room number

    up to three telephone numbers: mobile, telephone 1, telephone 2

    email address for communication on study-related matters (faculty email address is preferred)

    URL of the student's website

    bank details: bank code, bank account number

    Information that can only be changed by the Department for PhD Study:

    The following is a list of the student's personal data that can only be changed by the relevant department of the faculty or faculties at which the student is studying (or by the personel department of the CU units, if the student is also in an employment relationship with a CU unit), based on a written notification of the change of data and the presentation of the student's ID card or passport (or other document, if specified below for the relevant data):

    surname, first name, middle name and maiden name (to be proved by a civil registry document, e.g. marriage certificate)

    marital status (as evidenced by a civil registry document, e.g. marriage certificate)

    titles before the name, titles after the name – titles obtained by studying at CU or other school

    birth number or birth code of the foreigner

    gender (automatically derived from the birth number)

    citizenship and citizenship qualifier (citizen, refugee, etc.)

    ID card number

    up to two passport numbers (for foreigners)

    municipality, district and country of birth

    whether the person is a permanent resident of the Czech Republic

    indication of “permanent address”

    the current status of the card and the date of the last change in this status (when the student's card is surrendered to the Department for PhD Study and when the card is reissued to the student if he or she re-enters the programme)

    notes on telephone numbers

    highest level of education attained

    indication of altered working capacity – on production of the relevant medical certificate

    indication of medical limitation and, if applicable, a note on the medical condition – on production of the relevant medical certificate

    The student is obliged to keep personal data up-to-date and valid (surname, address, telephone, email, bank details, etc.). Any change must also be reported immediately to the Department for PhD Study (see Notification of change form).

  • How to generate your registration sheet after the suspension of studies

  • How to find documents delivered in SIS

    Sent documents can be found in the “Personal data and settings” module. 

    In the documents tab you can find all the documents received (Invitations, Calls, Communications, Decisions).  You must first open (read) each document. For a received and already read document, the possibility to waive the right of appeal is offered.

    After clicking on the waiver of the right to appeal, a new window will open, which must be agreed.

  • How to find the maximum period of study

    After logging into SIS, click on the module “Individual study plan for PhD students” in the main menu. Your ISP will open. In the left section, click on “Details of approved plan”.

    The maximum period of study is the total time studied, calculated from the beginning of the academic year, i.e. from the start of your studies (from enrolment in the first year).

    This period does not include any period of interrupted study and any recognised period of parenthood.

    The maximum period of study for doctoral studies is eight years.

  • Opponents will prepare reviews of the submitted dissertation, in which they will explicitly state whether they recommend or do not recommend work for defence. The reviews can be downloaded from the SIS no later than three working days before the deadline set for the defence. The student is informed about their insertion in the form of a notification, which he/she receives by e-mail.
    After logging in to the SIS, click on the “Topics of works (Selection of works)” module, and in the filter set: “Type of work: dissertation” and “Work: my work”. After clicking on the “Find” button, the desired entry will appear at the bottom.
    You can get downloadable reviews in two ways:
    a) by clicking on the “detail” button (blue leaf icon on the far left)
    b) by clicking directly on the name of the work
    If the opponents' reviews are already entered in the SIS, they will be displayed at the bottom of the page in the “Uploaded files for work” column. You can download them by clicking on the “floppy disk” icon, open in pdf then by clicking on the “Opponent’s opinion” sign.
  • How to generate a transcript of completed study requirements in SIS

    You can download a transcript in the module “Summary of exam results” under the tab “Overview of exam results”. This is a bilingual document (Czech-English).

    If a paper certificate is needed, in addition to the existing option to obtain it from the Department for PhD Study, it is possible to download an electronically signed PDF and have it printed and verified on CzechPoint (“have it converted to paper”).

    Procedure at CzechPoint: The file can be brought on a flash drive or uploaded online in advance to the depository, and you should come to CzechPoint with only your identification information from the depository.

  • How to insert an internship into the SIS

  • How to print your study/graduation confirmation in SIS

    In the module “Personal data and settings”, under the tab “Print confirmation”, the student can download a confirmation of study (and also a confirmation of study progress or graduation) with a digital signature. If a confirmation in English is required, click on the upper right corner from the Czech to the English flag.

    This can then be forwarded to a third party electronically – e.g. sent to a bank or office (by email). Such an electronically signed PDF should be easily recognised under the law (EU and Czech law).

    The confirmation form in paper form can be obtained from the Department for PhD Study or you can print it from SIS (choose the option without digital signature) and have it confirmed by the department. The form can also be found in the Forms and Patterns section of the Faculty's website.

Last update: 24. 6. 2024 / ThDr. Jitka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
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