The Josef Hlávka Medal is intended for the founders of Czech science and art and is associated with the presentation of a medal, a diploma and the sum of CZK 90,000. This year, six personalities were nominated and received the award, including the founder of research and specialised care for cystic fibrosis patients, doc. MUDr. Věra Vávrová, DrSc. The award was presented on 16 November at the castle in Lužany by Prof. Ivan Wilhelm, Chairman of the Board of the Josef, Maria and Zdeňka Hlávka Endowment Foundation.
Doc. MUDr. Věra Vávrová, DrSc. (*1928) studied at the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague 1947–1952. In 1953–1954 she was a secondary physician at the children's ward of the hospital in Kladno, 1959–1960 a secondary physician at the Second Children's Department of the Faculty of Paediatrics, Charles University, 1960–1991 a researcher at the Institute of Child Development Research, Charles University, and from 1960 she worked at the Outpatient Clinic for Cystic Fibrosis at the University Hospital in Motol. 1970–2000 she was the head of the working group for cystic fibrosis at the Czech Paediatric Society. 1976–1998 she was the second secretary of the European Working Group for Cystic Fibrosis (EWGCF). In 1992 she was habilitated in the field of paediatrics. In 2023, she was awarded the first degree medal for services to the state in the field of science.
Doc. Věra Vávrová Becomes a Recipient of the Medal for Merit of the First Degree
The doctor, scientist and teacher from the Department od Paediatrics received the award from the Czech president on 28 October 28 2023.
Doc. Věra Vávrová obdržela Zlatou pamětní medaili ČLS JEP za celoživotní přínos
Zakladatelce výzkumu a specializované péče o nemocné cystickou fibrózou ocenění udělil...