The Second Faculty for the Brain Week: Modern Diagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy – From Genes to Laser


Wednesday 15 March 2023

3 p.m.—5 p.m.

Velká posluchárna, budova teoretických a preklinických ústavů, 2. LF UK (Plzeňská 311, Praha 5 – Motol)


detailed programme at the AV ČR website

Lectures are given by scientists and doctors of the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University - Epileptological Research Center (EpiReC).

Epilepsy is the most common chronic brain disease that manifests itself in repeated seizures. About a third of people with epilepsy have seizures that do not respond to treatment. Selected patients may undergo surgical treatment in which a neurosurgeon removes the area of the brain that contains the epileptic neurons that trigger the seizures.

As part of the block of lectures, the audience will be introduced to the problem of epilepsy, how the area of the brain where the epileptic focus is located can be visualized using the most modern methods, or how to find the source of epileptic activity in the brain. Visitors will also hear about the most modern neurosurgical procedures, how to remove an epileptic focus, and what treatments will replace them in the future.


dr. Jana Amlerová Úvod do epilepsie
(15 + 5 min.)
doc. Martin Kynčl Jak nalézt v mozku epileptické ohnisko
(15 + 5 min.)
dr. Radek Janča Jak se projevuje epileptická tkáň a jak ji zaměřit
(15 + 5 min.)
prof. Ondřej Bradáč Moderní chirurgické postupy v léčbě epilepsie u dospělých
(10 min.)
doc. Petr Libý Moderní chirurgické postupy v léčbě epilepsie u dětí
(10 + 5 min.)
prof. Přemysl Jiruška Budoucí možnosti léčby epilepsie
(15 + 5 min.)
Discussion: 10 min.

Overall: 120 min.

Created: 2. 3. 2023 / Modified: 2. 3. 2023 / Bc. Tereza Lukešová