Dean’s Provision No. 15/2019

Dean’s Provision No. 15/2019

Details on the Organisation of Studies in Doctoral Study Programmes

at the Second Faculty of Medicine, Charles University


Art. I

Introductory Provisions

This Dean’s Provision in accordance with the Code of Study and Examination of Charles University (the “CSE”) and in conjunction with Article 15 of the Rules for the Organisation of Studies at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University supplements and regulates further details on the organisation of studies in doctoral study programmes at the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University (the "Second Faculty of Medicine").

Art. II

Study in Doctoral Programmes

1. Doctoral studies are carried out in accredited study programmes. The content and organisation of the studies are governed by the Subject Area Board (hereinafter referred to as "SAB"). The SAB is the guarantor of the quality and development of scientific education of a given accredited study programme. The training institutes include faculty departments, departments of the Czech Academy of Science (hereinafter referred to as "CAS"), departments of other universities and their units and other research institutions.

2. The study in the doctoral study programme is monitored and evaluated by the SAB established pursuant to Section 47(6) of Act No.111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and on Amendments and Supplements to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act) (the “Higher Education Act” hereinafter) and Articles 22(13) and (14) of the Constitution of Charles University.

3. The SAB is chaired by a chairperson who is the guarantor of a given study programme.

4. The SAB in particular:

  1. Recommends that an admission procedure should be announced for the relevant study programme;
  2. Recommends the chairs and composition of the admissions committees;
  3. Proposes supervisors and advisors to doctoral students;
  4. Proposes the chairs and members of the committees for State Doctoral Examinations (the "SDEX") and defences;
  5. Discusses and approves the individual study plan (the "ISP") of doctoral students;
  6. Evaluates the course of study and makes proposals for adjusting the amount of the scholarship and for terminating the study;
  1. Approves any changes to ISP.
  1. The doctoral study agenda is ensured by the Department for Ph.D. Study and Foreign Affairs of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University.  

 Art. III


  1. Supervisors and advisors for a given student are appointed and dismissed by the Dean on the proposal of the SAB in accordance with Article 10(6) of the CSE of Charles University.
  2. In assessing the proposed supervisor, the SAB and subsequently the Dean take into consideration the following criteria:
    1. The supervisor's research focus is in line with the topic of the doctoral thesis (the supervisor has demonstrated unquestionable results in a given scientific field through outputs in WOS, Scopus, scientific monographs, accepted scientific grants);
    2. The number of theses supervised by one supervisor in doctoral studies does not exceed 5; any exceptions are approved by the vice-dean for doctoral studies.
  3. The supervisor approves the dissertation topic proposed by the student or suggests topics to the student.

Art. IV

Individual Study Plan

  1. The content and time plan of the study is prepared by the student under the guidance of the supervisor in the form of an ISP.
  2. The ISP:
    1. A list of all study obligations in accordance with the accreditation of the relevant study programme with deadlines for the fulfilment of the study obligations;
    2. Dissertation project;
    3.  Mandatory publishing, while it is the student's duty to publish according to the requirements of the relevant SAB;
    4. For at least one publication included in the WoS or Scopus databases, the student is obliged to indicate the affiliation to the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University;  
    5. A compulsory part of the ISP is an application for active participation in the Scientific Conference of the Second Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, in the 3rd and every subsequent year of study, unless the student presented the year before;  
    6. In the case of the full-time form, the recommended part of the study is a foreign internship and active participation in a professional congress.
  3. The ISP for first year students must be entered into the Student Information System (SIS) for discussion and approval by the supervisor and the SAB.
  4. In addition to courses from the programme offered by the relevant SAB the ISP may also include courses from non-faculty and foreign departments.
  5. Changes to the plan are decided by the SAB on the basis of a written request by the student approved by the supervisor.
  6. Continuation of studies is conditional upon the evaluation of the ISP performance submitted by the student in collaboration with the supervisor in SIS.
  7. The evaluation date is set in accordance with the current deadlines of the Rectorate of Charles University (RUK), usually towards the end of the academic year under evaluation.
  8. In the case of an evaluation "without serious reasons, the student has not fulfilled some parts of the ISP," the SAB determines how the student shall fulfil the outstanding obligations and sets a deadline for doing so, or may propose a reduction of the scholarship in accordance with the Charles University Scholarship Regulations. If the student fails to fulfil the obligations within the provided time limit, the procedure shall be in accordance with Section 56(1)(b) of the Higher Education Act.
  9. If the student withdraws from study, he/she is required to immediately submit a notice of withdrawal to the Department for Ph.D. Study and Foreign Affairs.       

Art. V

State Doctoral Examination and Dissertation Defence

  1. The application for the SDEX is submitted by the student after checking the prescribed study obligations according to the requirements of the relevant SAB.
  2. The SDEX is oral and must be held in the languages in which the doctoral study programmes are accredited.
  3. The regular and resit dates of the SDEX are set by the chair of the SAB.  After agreement with the student, it is possible to set the date of the SDEX individually.
  4. The application for the defence is conditional upon the passing of the SDEX and submission of published scientific papers according to the requirements of the relevant SAB.
  5. The application for the defence, including all required attachments according to the applicable regulations, together with the Dissertation thesis, is submitted by the student after passing the SDEX, but no later than six months before the expiry of the maximum period of study.
  6. The reviewers are appointed by the dissertation defence committee in accordance with the CSE of Charles University.
  7. The Dissertation thesis is sent to the reviewers together with the notification of their appointment. The reviewers are invited to prepare their reviews within two months after receiving the thesis, or to give notification immediately that they will not prepare a review. In the event of refusal or non-delivery of the review, the committee shall appoint a new reviewer. The reviewer shall be remunerated for the preparation and delivery of the review by the set deadline in the amount of CZK 1 500 for each report.
  8. When the reviews have been prepared, a date for the defence is set.  The review of the dissertation thesis is sent to the student and the members of the defence committee sufficiently in advance.  At the same time, the date and place of the defence is published on the public part of the faculty's website.  The defence of the dissertation thesis is public and takes place in the language in which the doctoral study programme is accredited.
  9. The result of the defence shall be announced publicly by the chairimmediately after the closed session of the commission.
  10. If the defence is unsuccessful, it may be repeated only once in accordance with the currently applicable regulations of the Charles University.

 Art. VI

Transfer from one Form of Study to Another Form of Study in the Same Study Programme

  1. An application for transfer from the combined form of study to the full-time form of study is possible only at the beginning of the new academic year.  An application in an appropriate form approved by the supervisor and the SAB must be submitted by the end of the academic year, i.e. by 30 September of each year.  A transfer is possible at the end of the third year of study at the latest.
  2. A written transfer request must be duly substantiated and the student must duly evidence the reason for the transfer request.
  3. The student must attach to the application a written statement from the supervisor and the chair of the SAB.   
  4. In the case of particularly compelling reasons, the Dean of the Faculty may decide otherwise than as provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article.

 Art. VII

Final Provisions

1.    In accordance with the Rules for the Organisation of Studies at the Second Faculty of Medicine, this Dean’s Provision requires the opinion of the Academic Senate of the Faculty to be valid.

2.    The Academic Senate of the Faculty approved this Dean’s Provision on 2 October 2019.

3.    This Dean’s Provision shall take effect on the date of approval by the Academic Senate of the Faculty.


Prague, 2 October 2019


prof. MUDr. Vladimír Komárek, CSc.

Dean of the Second Faculty of Medicine


Validity and effectiveness
Validity: 2. 10. 2019
Effective from: 2. 10. 2019
Gestor: Department of Ph.D. and Foreign Affairs 
Created: 17. 10. 2019 / Modified: 6. 9. 2021 / Responsible person: Mgr. Marie Hejlová