Registration of Subjects in the SIS

Electronic registration for examinations or subjects via SIS is not allowed at all for doctoral students at the Second Faculty of Medicine CU. In practice, it will work in such a way that if a student wants to register for a course or exam, it is necessary to contact the course guarantor by e-mail and register with him. After completing the relevant course/examination for the student, the guarantor enters the result only in the index. Therefore, after entering the result, it is necessary to submit the index of the reference (just send a scan by e-mail) to enter the result in the “Student” program. From there, it “flips” automatically into the SIS. Students then pair records from the SIS and ISP as part of the annual evaluation, which takes place every year. It means that subjects that are completed by an examination (incl. state doctoral examination) or credit and are enrolled by clerks in the “Student” program will have their counterpart in subjects entered in the SIS and after their completion it will be possible to “pair” them in the annual evaluation. These are mainly objects that already appear in the SIS and have an assigned code. Course codes at the Second Faculty of Medicine intended primarily for doctoral students begin with the letter “DS”, at the First Faculty of Medicine “B9”, at the Third Faculty of Medicine “CPGS”, at the Faculty of Science “MPGS” and at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport “PDSB”.

A special subject or similar obligation that is not in the SIS offer (e.g. subjects taught outside the CU) will be registered by the clerk only after the delivery of the confirmation of fulfilment. Please provide further details on this type of course, namely: exact course name (in English), course name in Czech, course code (if any, and if you know it), language of instruction, university, faculty and guarantor, teacher or examiner of the course (if known), semester of instruction (if known), method of examination (credit / examination).

Enrolled subjects can be found in the SIS on the main menu under the icon “Exam results – viewing”. When he enters the subjects listed here under the same codes also into the evaluation, the pairing will work – the message “according to SIS fulfilled” will be displayed. However, care must be taken to ensure that the subjects are entered into the evaluation with the correct codes, i.e. those entered in the SIS by your clerk. Otherwise, the objects are not paired. Pairing also works for publications that the student must have registered in OBD.

Last update: 25. 10. 2022 / ThDr. Jitka Sýkorová, Ph.D.
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