Rules for Awarding Scholarships

Internal Regulations

Rules for Awarding Scholarships

The academic senate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine has decided upon these following rules for awarding scholarships at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine according to internal statutes:

Article 1. Opening statute

The rules for awarding scholarships at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine (thereafter ‘bylaws’) are determined by article 4, paragraph 5, related statutes of the Scholarship regulations of Charles University in Prague (hereafter ‘university’), rules and other terms for awarding scholarships at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine (thereafter ‘faculty’).

Article 2. Conditions for awarding scholarships for outstanding academic achievement

(See article 4 of university scholarship regulations)

  1. Scholarships for excellent study results (thereafter ‘merit scholarship’) are awarded to students for excellent study results in the previous section of study (see article 4, paragraph 5 pertaining to study and practice regulations of the university).
  2. Merit scholarships are awarded on the basis of averages of exam results and credit grades for the preceeding academic year, which includes grades from all examinations and retaken exams. For first year students enrolled and following the sequence of the MD program the merit scholarship is awarded based on the overall grade average from all exams and classified credit grade in the bachelor’s degree program at the faculty.
  3. For the purposes of awarding merit scholarships to
    1. students for whom obstacles to being awarded did not arise referring rule 8 below of university scholarship
    2. students who are not registered in the first year of studies if this is not the sequential course of studies
    the students are divided into groups according to study majors and are subsequently subdivided into subgroups based upon academic standing, in which students who are exceeding the standard duration of study are merged into student subgroups of the senior year in the standard study duration. The division into groups and subgroups is as follows:
    Group A – Bachelors study programs in specialized health professions including physiotherapy, lab assistant, radiology assistant, and nursing care.
    Group B – Related masters study program for specialization in the healthcare field of physiotherapy.
    Group C – MD program in General Medicine
    Subgroup C1 – second year
    Subgroup C2 – third year
    Subgroup C3 – four year
    Subgroup C4 – fifth year
    Subgroup C5 – sixth year
  4. In individual groups and subgroups, the students are organized according to their overall performance (i.e. grade point average) in ascending order according to paragraph 2 in such a way that
    1. first are the students who have accumulated the normal number of credits
    2. followed by all other students in similar ascending order
    For students of previous (non credit) system
    1. first there will be students who fulfilled all their study duties for the previous period
    2. then – according to their average grade – the other students
    When there are students in the regular curriculum and students who have yet to satisfy their prerequisite requirements, priority will be given to those who have achieved a normal number of credits, and to those who have achieved normal number of credits and have satisfied all prescribed prerequisites in previous periods in comparison to other students.
  5. Merit scholarships are awarded in every group and subgroup to the highest 10 % of students rounded up. Merit scholarships are also awarded to any student who achieved the same grade average and number of credits as the last student, to whom a scholarship was awarded according to the previous sentence.
  6. If a student is enrolled in multiple programs at the faculty, the merit scholarship may be awarded for each individual program.
  7. The awarding of merit scholarships to students who have in previous periods studied under individualized programs or at other academic institutions will be granted on the basis of an application form submitted to the dean.
  8. For the awarding of merit scholarships the deciding conditions for the award is the student's academic standing as of October 31st of the current academic year. Students selected to be awarded the merit scholarship will be notified no later than November 20th of the current academic year, and will be effective no later than December 1st of the same year.

Article 3. Closing statements

  1. This regulatory document has been approved on November 15, 2006 by the academic senate of the faculty.
  2. This regulatory document becomes valid on the day of approval by the academic senate of the University.
  3. This regulatory document goes into effect five days after acquisition of validation.
Created: 24. 1. 2007 / Modified: 15. 1. 2025 / Marie Havlová