Department of Bioinformatics

Medical sciences and clinical practice in the 21st century are fundamentally influenced by the way large volumes of data and information are generated and processed. The ease of mining whole-genome patient data and the high degree of information integration is leading not only to the application of new "precision medicine" approaches, but also increasingly to computer-assisted treatment decisions. The ability to analyse large datasets and use advanced computational tools will play a key role in medicine and medical research in the coming years.

Departmental focus:

The Department of Bioinformatics focuses on data analysis, bioinformatics and statistics in the following areas:  

  • Whole genome sequencing data. That is, massively parallel sequencing (MPS or "next generation sequencing", NGS) data at the level of broad amplicons, exomes and transcriptomes. In addition, data from Whole Genome Sequencing, Methylome Sequencing and ChIP-Seq.  
  • Data from single-cell "high-content/high-throughput" methods such as cytometry. In particular, we apply dimensionality reduction methods as exploratory tools as well as cluster analysis and supervised machine learning methods.
  • Statistical consultation.
Last update: 9. 1. 2024