Termination of Examination Period of the Academic Year 1999/2000

Extract from Study and Examination Schedule of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University

Termination of Examination period of the academic year 1999/2000 is August 31, 2000.

Students are obliged to fulfil all of the study duties (credits, exams, individual study practices) till this date and come to be registered to the next academic year at the date stated by the Dean of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine.
Students can ask for prolongation of Examination period if they do not have more than two study duties missing till the date 31st of August, 2000.
Prolonged Examination period lasts till 30th of September, 2000 (inclusive this day).
How to ask for PROLONGATION:
Write an apply, addressed to Vice-Dean and deliver it to the Study department during the time of registration to the next Ac. Year.
If you have only two study duties missing and the Vice-Dean agrees, than you are permitted to prolong your Exam period.

!!! Another Prolongation of this term is not permitted !!!

If the Vice-Dean doesn't agree with student's apply or the student doesn't fulfil all of the study duties till 30th of September, 2000 or he has more than two study duties missing, he can ask for repeating of the year.
Repeating of the year is allowed once within the first three years and once in course of the 4th and 5th year.
Conditions for repeating the year are made more accurate in Study and Exam. Schedule, Part II., Article IX.
If the student is not under conditions for repeating, the Dean will terminate his studies at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine (Part III., Article XVIII.).
The end of the academic year is stated by the Rector of Charles University every academic year. The Examination period is accurate in accordance to the Study and Examination Schedule of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine (Part II, Article VII.)
All the terms of Examination period, Prolongation and Vacations are written in the ‘green book’ (Karolinka) for the Ac. Year 1999/2000 and at the official information board.
In Prague February 29, 2000

doc. RNDr. Václav Pelouch, CSc.
Vice-Dean for pre-clinical studies
doc. MUDr. Jana Hercogová, CSc.
Vice-Dean for clinical studies
Created: 8. 3. 2000 / Modified: 25. 9. 2018 / Administrátor 2. LF UK