Motolák Meeting 4. 5. 2009

The second Motolak (monthly) meeting took place last Monday afternoon at Kajetanka. Again, a good crowd turned out with much to be discussed. As always, foreign medics were welcome with the aim of encouraging participation, integration and cooperation – much like the EU, in fact.
First order of the day: the selection of Motolak badges and insignias. Designed by a 2nd fac student, the logos can be seen on the website. We would like to get T-shirts printed but, alas, at this time, funds do not allow.
The idea of teaching high school students First Aid was discussed. The Anaesthology and Resuscitation Dept at Motol are willing to teach students an accredited course in First Aid, including the use of the ‘sim. man’. Students in turn could then offer their services to willing schools. This would be a great way to brush up on basic skills and would also receive IFMSA points for those wishing to go away during the summer. Wouldn’t look too bad on the CV either! More about IFMSA:
Volunteers are also sought for concerts at LDN – the long term stay hospital. Any budding Lucie Bilas or Karel Gotts out there are asked to get in contact with Motolak. All musicians welcome! Continuing on the musical theme, a choir was mooted. For those of us who have expressed a desire to learn traditional Czech folk songs – and there are many of us – this is the perfect opportunity.
Though a long way off, plans for Welcome Week and Welcome Party are already underway. The sudden influx of lost and confused 1st years – both Czech and foreign! – seems the perfect opportunity to integrate students right away – a little more confusion will hardly matter. As has been done in previous years, the idea is to show small groups around Motol; show where the library, lecture halls and labs are; and generally be there to answer any questions students might have. This will be done together with FMSA, members of which have already shown 1st years around, and IFMSA. The exact how and where have still to be worked out; any practical suggestions would be gladly received. Thankfully, it would seem, the days of starting one’s first Monday with only a printed out timetable in Czech to guide you are long passed.
The Motolak society is purely voluntary and has no money. Hopefully this will change when the faculty see what we can achieve. In the mean time, the idea of a small subscription/joining fee (eg kc 50) was raised. A little bit of money could help with deposits or administrative costs. Any objections?
Probably the strangest topic of the meeting was the idea of a massage parlour. With eyebrows raised, clarification was sought. No, it turns out, this is to be a legitimate (sorry Cruz!) enterprise carried out by qualified students. Aware of the paradox; don’t care.
Lastly, for all those foreigners who want to ‘do something’ but can't think of anything specifically, the best thing is to simply turn up at the meetings, notification of which will be posted on the internet. Volunteers are always needed to organise the ball, for example, or might help organise a potential boat party on the Vltava. In case of any questions don’t hesitate to contact Motolak: @email.
See you next month!

Created: 12. 5. 2009 / Modified: 9. 1. 2019 / MUDr. Jana Djakow