Conditions for International Students – Medical Training

Conditions for international students who have applied for completion of their medical training at our faculty

Students asking for placement abroad within Erasmus, IFMSA or King's College will have preference.

  1. Holiday exchange must not exceed 4 weeks in total and the student cannot choose more than 2 branches. (e.g. surgery and internal medicine 2 weeks).
  2. Exchange over the year must not exceed 3 months in total and the student cannot take more than 2 branches of study. When making this choice our curriculum for the particular year has to be taken into consideration.

We require:
A document proving that the student is enrolled at their home Medical School
Dean’s recommendation of the student for the particular training, which will also include interest of the Faculty of Medicine to co-operate in the student exchange
Study plan, and estimated dates of the exchange period
Health insurance certificate valid for the Czech Republic
Certificate about current health condition and immunizations (Hepatitis B, Tuberculin test, test on antibodies-rubella – only in women), or other immunizations required by the EU.

On the basis of agreement with the particular head of department, the 2nd Faculty of Medicine of Charles University determines the date of student's exchange period.
Study stay and all the costs connected with it are fully covered by the student himself. The faculty can assist him by booking a room at the dormitory.

Created: 23. 6. 2006 / Modified: 25. 9. 2018 / Jana Ocelková, DiS.