Long Elective Course: Management of Science and Innovation (MSI)

Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer of Charles University opens one-semester long elective course Management of Science and Innovation (MSI). Its objective is to provide all CU faculties with unified education in management of science, project management and technology transfer. Its target group are students from all faculties of Charles University from 4th and higher grades of Mgr. programs, following Mgr. programs, Ph.D. programs and employees of Charles University within CU lifelong learning programme. Form of teaching is mostly distant (webinars in Moodle CU) with 2 presence-based seminars only. Course completion is rewarded with 6 credits and electronic badge.

The enrollment via SIS is possible from February 1 to February 18, 2018 (subject code TVOL0002, maximum 40 students). The first lecture will take place on Tuesday, February 20, 2018 at 6 pm in the lecture hall ‘Zelená’, Celetná 20, Praha 1. For more information about the subject please see the enclosed abstract, our website www.cppt.cuni.cz/msi or promo video Management vědy a inovací – YouTube.

Created: 29. 1. 2018 / Modified: 28. 1. 2019 / Marie Havlová